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Bee Goddess Earrings

Was: $19.99
Now: $15.00
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The Bee has been revered as the Divine Mother, throughout history. She is responsible for fashioning the honeycomb. The honeycomb is made of hexagonal structures, just as our DNA. The Hexagons are cells within the Matrix. The honeycomb is “the place where a bee stores honey. Symbolically, a bee is a spiritual traveler, honey is spiritual input, thus a honeycomb is symbolically a place in the body where spiritual input can be stored” (AKA YOUR DNA) The spiritual input is “wisdom, inspiration, or a vision” .. and just as our cells are like hexagons, it is likened to the the 6 pointed star (like the key of Solomon.. which gave him the power to unlock & control spirits... the elements) #fluorescence #electromagnetic #tapin #beegoddess #honeycomb #hexagon #hex